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Nearest (free)

4.0 ( 5590 ratings )
내비게이션 라이프 스타일
개발자: The Really Nifty Group
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Looking for the nearest Starbucks? or the nearest bank, restaurants, gas station or post office?

Nearest Lite enables you to quickly find the nearest of any business or service.

It shows a complete listing of businesses, their distance from you, and an easy-to-read minimap to quickly see your surroundings. It works especially well for finding nearby chain stores, comes pre-loaded with nearly 1000 of the most common searches to minimize typing.

Nearests beautiful, modern, Apple-like interface is optimized for one-handed use. Startup time is quick. Maps display fast. One-click suggestions help refine searches.

Reload button allows you to rerun searches to get the freshest results of whats nearby without retyping. Its like a smarter friendly GPS unit in your pocket.
Different from AroundMe and iWant.
-Beautiful interface
-Less typing, fast startup, quick loading mini-maps, lists not pins.
-Big, easy-to-hit search bar
-FastClick bar gives suggestions for zeroing in on the right search

- Find the nearest restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, hotels.
- Running late? Quick access to the nearest florist, liquor store, or gift shop
- Quick click to Maps for detailed directions
- Pre-loaded with nearly 1000 of the most common searches
- Search for anything and find the nearest